Sunday, June 29, 2008

More hot ELCA SEX

More Sexuality stuff, So what would Jesus do?

In many of today's churches it is all about being of the world, a major sin to be sure, for we are to be in the world baptizing in the name of the Lord not hugging trees and ordaining gay and Transgendered people.

We seem to forget that Jesus when he taught had to reach Millennium's into the future to reach way past this generation.

So yes we love our neighbor, 24/7/365. but what if your neighbor kills your family, do you still love that neighbor? I say this because I know people who have forgiven the murderer of their loved ones. It is the most Christ Like life a person can have.

I say this in the extreme because just as we are to love our neighbor does not mean we have to like them or even talk to them. we need to help them when needed, especially to find Jesus. So we are open to all peoples to worship with us, offer to know the Christ, and we pray share and hug, we love. but we are not called to accept sin. We are not called to tell them it is ok to sin.

But do we accuse? Do we JUDGE?

Now I'm a judgement guy, I believe we cannot help people unless we judge them. Not to accuse or belittle but to access, help, and love.

We are to tell them that sex outside of marriage according to the Bible is a sin, one man, one woman. And that is it. We all sin, who is better than another? Only one is good and that is the father.
I sin every day, There are two kinds of Christians, those who sin and liars. I do not want to sin but I recognize and act on sin I do not rationalize it as something else.

Repent and Move on. So what if gay people say they are born that way and so it is ok to have sex in sin.
Well, I was born an alcoholic, I cannot change that fact, so I can either drink and hurt myself and those I love, Or I can abstain and not only turn from that sin which hurts me, but I have the chance to help others.

This came to me in Prayer recently, DO I love God, really love God,,,,,More than the sin I am committing??
I felt as Holy Spirit rushed over me at that moment that I wanted to desire God, Desire Jesus MORE than the sin I was committing.

So I view all people who are working toward ordination of gay people to being opposed to God, they are putting the world, sin and self ahead of God.... Not some plaster figure on a cross, But the LIVING GOD.
They adhere to fuzzy kitten theology, where we all live in a field of daisy's. They do not know the Bible, they do not know God and most Probably have not been baptized by Blood and Spirit.

If you truly believe in Adonai our God, shake with fear and humility. get on your knees and worship in love and ask for mercy. In Love, the God who died for you on the cross, will tell you in a quiet voice,
This is not your home, live a live devoted to our Father. Die to self daily and in Love and Humility love your neighbor as yourself.

We are not to burn these people at the stake, If they worship with you and still live in sin, even the heterosexuals, state Biblical truth to them once. Do not thump them with the Bible, Tell them once. They will either turn from sin or not, THAT is between them and God, It is up to each of us to work out our salvation.
We are asked to live the Gospel, and to share the good news. Tell them the truth, then love them into the Kingdom of God.
